Saturday, October 15, 2016

Love and Bucket lists

Have you ever fallen deeply in love with someone but for whatever reason it did not work out. Only to later find out that that was the person you wanted to spend the rest of your life with?

What do you do in that moment when you realize that you might be alone forever because you miss the opportunity with your soulmate?

When they call you every time they havr a break up with someone crying and talking to you about that because you care, you want to be that friend for them, to be that best friend because you just want to see them happy. You just really want them to be ok and smile again, especially if they are hurting so bad from whatever that person did them. No matter how much you want to say I love you and I care about you and I could never do to you what they have done to know in that moment and in that time that what they really need is you as a friend.

So you stay there as a friend, later "friendzoned" and you let them know how much they are a valuable person, how much people care about them, how much they are needed in this world, how they deserve better, to make sure that they feel good again regardless of how much you hurt inside sEwing themail hurt. Knowing if you could change anything in their life, you would change all the sorrow, heartbreak, and pain that they have endured, you just want to wish the best for them and for everyone they encounter. If their happiness is without you, so be it. That happiness is what'she most important to you for all your friends because that'she the type of person you are. Some may take advantage of you, others won'the know they are, and the rest will get the love you are sending and respect the respect.

Interesting to see that no matter how many times someone breaks their heart, or does them wrong, they call you and they talk to you...they know there is a connection there and you know it too. But for some reason you can't be together, so you accept it and understand that you might be alone forever.

I've been there, done that. Seen plenty of things, good and bad. Lived a pretty full life before I was even in the heart of college. I've fallen in love obviously. Had sex, drove a car/stick shift/bus/trailer/truck/etc, learned another language, been beaten by family, sexually abused, beat up a good number of folks for picking on the wrong kids, seen fires ruin homes, lived through a war &911, done fostercare, and so much more. Left on my bucket list: open a residential facility for teens....get married/then have a child.

I love my job, but the way money is and student loans, I don't think the residential thing will workout at this point in my life. Also, as stated before, the one I was to marry me, won't happen...even as they lay here I'm my bed and I sit here on the floor at 346am writing this. You have accepted forever alone. From what you've learned in life...some things aren't meant to be and not everyone gets their happy ending. Especially for a kid from the hood (East Cleveland, Oh) that's been through hell &got trapped in Iowa. Tis life was what you were taught. Good night, good bye, hit me up if you need to talk. Anyone, it's what I do. I'm an advocate, counselor, FRIEND!

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