Sunday, October 3, 2010

Part four Book Prologue

Friday the 13th, flashing bright lights, people screaming my name, all a blur. Saturday morning I wake up in the hospital. My hospital bed was surrounded by people from work, Rosa, my mom, my dad, Regina, and Chris. I was pissed, “dang-it, I’m still here,” I said to myself from my hospital bed. So angry, I was sure you could see me turning my favorite color.

“Anasia, Nasia, you’re woke,” Chris screamed as she pulled her two-year old body up on top of me to hug me. Everyone stopped talking and looked at me.

“Um, hey Chris,” I said just above a whisper, my throat was killing me. I saw the nurse walking in.

“If everyone could step out for a minute, I need to speak with her” the nurse said. “I see you’re finally up, got a lot of people that care about you I see,” I rolled my eyes and kept them down as she continued to talk. “Well looks like we’ll be keeping you here for the next few days for observation, Behavioral Health Ward…,” then she left, as a tear filled with anger and disappointment rolled down my face. The family and people walked back in.

“So, hey everyone,” I spoke first, “thanks for coming, man my throat is killing me.”

“You have pneumonia,” Rosa said, “sorry Nas.”

People slowly poured out to let me get some rest and Rosa quickly informed me of how I obtained pneumonia. Who knew that these actions were signs of my later informed illness?

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