Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Random thought

When I'm famous some day, people will say, "hey, I knew her back when..."

When the ice on the cold streets was a playground for kids, slippery slopes
When the little tomboy girl couldn't jump ropes,
When time didn't matter and it wasn't yet about who I became,
When everything was simply about how you play the game.
When I was funny,
When I had no money,
When I was in school
When I was yet to be cool.
The chances are I won't remember you because when I was talking about it, you wanted nothing to do with it. hmmm

I hope my book gets published soon and the world knows my story. You know the song I wanna be a billionaire so fricky bad... I don't, no one would ever see me again (hahah,) if that happened. It's lonely at the top. I just want others to read my story and tell me it was cool that I could write that. If something happened to me, no one would be able to know.

So I give you glimpses into what is important in my life when you read my book. I don't have any followers, but that has not stopped me from reflecting and sharing my thoughts. I want to be peaceful and live happily, so I try. Sometimes writing helps me get everything out; thus making me one step closer to being/realizing zen. I read a blog today from a friend called realizing zen and my mind soared into thinking what could be. If only we had an eye opening inspiration everyday. I believe life would be grand!!

Well I should be working on finishing my book right now so I digress, later.


  1. Is it weird that I while reading this, the voice in my head was yours? Not your shrieking, yelling at me voice, the other one. No, not the OCD NaNas one. The normal Nas voice. Which I don't think I've heard enough of to have an accurate voice sample to do that with...

  2. Which means I must have wrote something correctly if you could hear my voice. That is how it's supposed to be
