Monday, November 3, 2014

Night Bus-Super Hero

I drive buses part-time here in Ames, IA at night after my long days at my full-time job.

Stopped my 1B bus run today (which I never do because every trip is tight) and had a talk with my passengers about their conversation. People are just unreal. Wasn't going to bring this up but yeah.
Last night I stopped and had one guy get off for continuing to call this other passenger a "tranny" among other names that are even worse. The kid looked like they were about to cry. This guy and his friends didn't even know these kids (college students dressed in 4in heels and workin it). Anyways, yelled at them, they stopped except one. Made him get off.
Today, this guy is joking about how to keep your woman in line and was saying " hit her with the phone book because then it doesn't leave a mark but is just as heavy as your fist. You know, just knock her around a bit, ain't that right babe (to the girl he paid bus fare for when they got on)? One of his friends goes, "well I don't have a girlfriend so you guys gotta help me find a girl I can rape then." They all were laughing as they continued to talk. The whole conversation started because they put on the same fake tatt for their "white trash" costume and were joking about giving each-other aids by sharing the needle.
When I stopped the bus I stood up and walked back to them and simple said hey that's inappropriate, conversations about abusing your partner or going on a "rape hunt" as you put it will not be tolerated, especially on my bus. The one guy decided to tell me, I'll hit whoever I want and I was just joking. I got grew frustrated and so the whole bus got lectured. Doors shut, nobody got to leave! The people in the back thanked me when they got off, but I only hope something got through to the idiots in the front I was talking too. Is there any hope for our future with these kind of future leaders. smh.